It’s hard to believe that a year ago I said farewell to PetSmart. It wasn’t a planned goodbye, but I’m a believer that everything happens for a reason. This was no exception. The layoff forced me to reevaluate what was important to me and what I wanted to do next. Honestly, had it not been for that push out of the nest, I likely would still be there today debating, “Is now the right time?”
Over the last 10 years, my friends and colleagues have come to know me as the Cruise Guy; my PTO days were dedicated to being on the ocean. In 2020, life changed for all of us. It was during the cruising pause that I launched a website and social media accounts talking about this cruise life I had created. If people couldn’t cruise, I wanted to at least bring the hope and joy of cruising to life online.
When cruising restarted, I booked some truly epic voyages. A 15-day transatlantic sailing, a 25-day transpacific sailing, the inaugural launch of several new cruise ships, and a bunch of sailings with friends. I asked the universe, “how am I going to fit in all of these journeys with my work schedule?!”
Turns out, when you ask the universe a question, sometimes it answers in ways you could never plan! Over the past year alone, I’ve sailed 18 voyages for a total of 128 days at sea. It’s a true blessing that I was given the gift of time and that I’ve had the means to do this.
At the same time, my partner and I launched an official travel business. With more time to dedicate to YouTube, a blog, and booking travel, This Cruise Life LLC was born! So far, we’ve booked nearly 150 dream vacations (all-inclusive resorts, hotels, and, of course, cruises). While we focus on all forms of travel, over half of the bookings have been cruises. It turns out, we’ve got some expertise in this space! With a perfect 5-star rating, we are excited about helping others make their travel dreams a reality.
For everyone that has reached out, followed us on social media, booked travel, joined our Sail Talk Saturday live sessions – or even cruised with us!! – thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your words of encouragement have meant the world to me, and they’ve given me the courage to do something I never would have dreamed. And to everyone that I’ve met or reconnected with this past year, I am truly humbled and blessed by your support and friendship.
What’s next? Now that I’ve taken a year to build the business, I plan to return to LinkedIn with more regular updates. I’m also working on a blog series that documents the journey and learnings I’ve had over the past year with being laid off and starting my own business. There are many leadership lessons that can only be learned through this experience, and I hope to inspire others wherever they might be on their own journey.
For now though, I wish you smooth sailing and say bon voyage until my next update.
If you’d like to follow the journey, check out and @thiscruiselife on social media!

If you’d like to learn more about this cruise life we’ve created, check out our About page for more.